Pros and Cons of Shared Office Space

By Padmasree Kolluru

 When you think about the shared workspace, the unicorn startup that comes to your mind is "WeWork." With the growing trends of "work from remote" and home clubbed with flexible work hours, these places that one can hire per day have become trendy. Z millennials and millennials want to work-wise and not be traditional in owning a house or responsibilities. This thought process has brought in the trend of work from wherever and whenever.  We chanced upon one startup that started and continued their business operations from WeWork, and it's good to have some insights first hand. At Lindsey's Office Furniture, we have put them together, so it comes in handy when you need them!

 Building teams and offices without having to build a building is the chief marketing principle. And, that worked. Startups, small businesses, remote workers, whoever wants a fixed office space but does not want to have the hassle of building and designing the interiors instantly likes the idea. 

How the shared offices or coworking places work:

First-come, first-served basis: Usually, one can choose the spot they like for the view or privacy based on when you get there. This flexibility in choosing a place helps one in getting excited and stay motivated. You never know whom you will meet and how that takes shape with new ventures and new businesses. 

So, the pros of shared office spaces are:

  • To get motivated with a possibility of new idea generation.
  • The whole environment is always vibrant with new people coming in and the nature of the businesses and the interactions.
  • The possibility of these people helping each other out is very high, building community in itself. 
  • These places come with kitchen facilities. Of course, there are food trucks too! 
  • With many of them open 24*7, choose a spot and time you like!

According to the Wall Street Journal, the value of WeWork is now $5billion. 

What could be the cons of coworking or shared office spaces:

  • From the businesses' point of view, your employees may never work with each other. They may be exchanging ideas and sharing files, but there's no chance of teamwork. 
  • There are no official storage spaces and personalization of your desk. This lack of personalized space means no organized stationery place, and every day, you bring all the stuff you need to work with you and take them with you. No possibility of your favorite pictures that speak about you and make you feel inspired; you may feel out of space. 
  • There's constant motion with people coming in and out; you may feel distracted, and handling meetings in a noisy environment isn't always helpful.
With Covid and lockdowns, these places have taken a significant hit globally and now resumed with pods and extra sanitization procedures. But, meanwhile, to those working from home, we advise you to have your own personalized office space at home and give ergonomic home office furniture a thought. If you are considering going back to the office, having your personalized cubicles that we design and plan for free will be a great way forward. These cubicles give you privacy while building teamwork. 

Our height adjustable desks are a big hit, and so are our chairs. 

All these products are available in our showrooms. 


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