Expectation vs Reality- Work from Home
By Padmasree Kolluru Covid or not, with the growing technological advancements, work from home/ remote working has become a reality. We see people working from far-off continents even while on holidays. This flexibility clubbed with the Covid situation has paved the way for many more to work from home permanently. We had to work from home too briefly. The excitement gradually dwindled as it's not easy to stay focused and stick to work schedules and breaks with the fortuity of being your own boss. No commutes, no traffic jams, no formals, and no strict work routine means no interaction with colleagues and an arduous task of email threads to convey one idea or even longer to brainstorm a new idea. Not having a private workspace meant a distracted routine and less focus on work. After exploring the art of work from home, we, at Lindsey's Office Furniture , have put some ideas together for a better experience of your work from home opportunity. Let's have a sneak pee...